The Seasons of Life

You don’t have to call yourself old if you don’t feel old

Hustle AM 📝
6 min readJul 5, 2021
Photo by Шишкина Светлана from Pexels

At the end of my life, it would be a great pleasure to look back and say, “Ahh, what a life I’ve lived”. I would like to be surrounded by friends, family, children, and grandchildren.

When the time comes, I would like to know that I did whatever I could to leave this world a better place and that my family has a bright future ahead.

Of course. Who wouldn’t want that?

I guess it’s everyone’s dream to reach the end of life and have a peaceful conscience that he lived in the most beautiful way possible. After all, that’s what our life is for.

But for that, first you have to live. You have to be strong, to struggle every day and to have a path of your own to follow whatever it would be.

Having a well-established direction from the beginning in life is complicated. But in time, if you manage to figure out what’s yours, how you want to live, and how you want to be remembered, then life will smile intensely on you, even in the darkest moments.

For this I suggest you to look at life from a new perspective. Namely, as if it were the four seasons put together. By doing so, we could call them the seasons of life.

The Spring of Life (0–20…



Hustle AM 📝

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