What I’ve Learned After Writing More Than 150 Articles on Medium so Far

Your approach can either make you or break you

Hustle AM 📝
5 min readApr 8, 2024
Photo by Samuel Bourke on Unsplash

I like writing.

I also like reading.

That’s why Medium for me is my second home.

I started writing 4 years ago, in 2020.

150 articles so far is not much at all.

But each time I wrote an article I learned something new either about a certain subject or about myself. That’s because sometimes I choose to write about things I know absolutely nothing about.

And by doing so I get the change to improve my knowledge and also to improve my writing.

This ensures my overall growth both on a personal level as well on a professional level.

So here’s what I’ve learned so far.

Writing is Not About Writing

Shocking, right?


But what is it about, you might ask?

Well, writing is about thinking.

That’s because when I write I think.

Therefore writing on Medium on a consistent basis helps me to gain clarity.



Hustle AM 📝
Hustle AM 📝

Written by Hustle AM 📝

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