Why High Performers Get What They Want While Others Don’t?

For them there is never a day off

Hustle AM 📝
4 min readMay 13, 2024
Photo by Manuel Nägeli on Unsplash

Nobody is born a high performer.

You become one.

Nobody ever knows what it means to be a high performer.

Until you become one.

And very few achieve greatness in life.

Unless they perform like never before.

To Get Results You Have to be Result-Oriented

High performers manage to get the desired results because they know exactly what they want. And they want it bad enough.

The only difference between someone who quits before the finish line and somebody who manages to finish the race is that the latter wants it more.

High performers don’t rely on talent to get what they want. They work day and night to make their dreams come true even if everybody around tells them they are not talented enough.

They don’t need external motivation. They have their intrinsic motivation that keeps the flame alive throughout their rainy seasons.

High performers always work towards their goal. That’s why they get results. Because they won’t let a day pass without doing something to close the gap between what…



Hustle AM 📝

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